Hi there!
A few days ago, I was just reading back some of the wonderful comments that I have received ever since my book was published. It really felt so good to know that my book is being put to good use out there, one way or the other and it is continuing to do so.
As a result, I felt that it would only be right for me to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my readers who have bought my book, read it and wrote back to me with their positive and encouraging feedback. It is people like you that keeps me going and knowing that I am on the right path.
Thanks to my friend's encouragement, it gives me great pleasure to share with you some of the wonderful comments I have received so far :) .....
Hi Sandra, my name is Benji, and while here in Malaysia (KL) I bought your book and read some of your blog. Your trip around the peninsula is amazing, and reading your book has been a joy so far.
Thank you for writing about your adventures! It's very inspiring!
Benji, USA
Dear Sandra,
Hope this mail finds you well.
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your excellent book,
‘Pedalling Around the Peninsula’. It is such an entertaining book with
lots of adventures and fun in it. After reading your book, I felt I
had to write to you to let you know how your book had entertained and
inspired me.
I spotted your book when I was on holiday in Penang last year. I brought it back to Europe and read it with much enthusiasm and interest. I
wanted to read about the adventures and
about places I had and had not visited in Malaysia (and your book
delivered them all and more!). I was looking forward to reading the book
every evening after work – to continue the journey around Malaysia. As
someone who has lived abroad for many years, I
found the book to have made me better informed about my own country.
I loved the way the book was
written – containing descriptions of lots of little incidents, and with
lots of photos (especially those of yummy Malaysian food!). It made me
feel like I was part of the journey round Peninsula
Malaysia (with side trips to our neighbouring countries). I didn’t want
the book to end as I wanted the adventures to continue. I was looking
forward to visiting the next town with you and Mak each day!
Thanks for sharing these experiences with us - the people who dream about and are not able to go on this journey (yet).
In the meantime, keep posting the news on your blog and keep up the good work!
CH, Europe
Hi Sandra, my name is Benji, and while here in Malaysia (KL) I bought your book and read some of your blog. Your trip around the peninsula is amazing, and reading your book has been a joy so far.
Thank you for writing about your adventures! It's very inspiring!
Benji, USA
Hi Sandra,
My name is Wee, I come across your book “Pedaling Around the
Peninsula”, it is truly inspiring and fascinating, as I did it before across the
northern peninsula when I was 17 years old.
Your book re-inspired me to re-gain my long distance cycling spirit
after so long been hibernated. I still have
the reminiscence of the toughness of crossing the East-West highway, and it was
the most challenging part of the journey, and I have to sleep under the army
camp on top of the mountain, as I under estimate the challenge.
Again, thank you for writing this book, keep going with your
good achievement, and looking forward to read your upcoming second book!
Hi' Sandra.
Just writing you to congratulate you with the book you wrote about your bicycle tour of Malaysia. I
came across it in a KL bookstore the week before i started on a bicycle
trip of Malaysia and the book has been very helpful and inspiring for
Lot's of good practical info in the book that has helped me a lot when it came to finding accomodation for instance.
I put up a little review of the book at a travel site where i do some blogging about my travels around the world: http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/p/m/222ac6/
I have biked around 40 countries worldwide so far and is always looking for new horizons.
All the best from the road.
Lot's of good practical info in the book that has helped me a lot when it came to finding accomodation for instance.
I put up a little review of the book at a travel site where i do some blogging about my travels around the world: http://members.virtualtourist.
I have biked around 40 countries worldwide so far and is always looking for new horizons.
All the best from the road.
Claus, Denmark
Hi Sandra!
I just finished your book last weekend after came across in
The Sun May 9 2012. A real GREAT book for me. I just don’t know why I was
so eager to look for this book as I have not been reading “story” book
for the past 20 to 30 years! Normally I will read those “relevant”
to my work or interest i.e. more serious stuff!
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your
effort, determination and of course, your courage! You have a good idea to
write it down and publish in a book. Honestly, I don’t think of having
the courage to do myself.
Lastly, I just want to say TQ, Thank you and Thank You Very
Much for writing the book and sharing with us. It allows me to at least to feel
or imagine of the journey! I really appreciate it!
Ho, Selangor
Hi Sandra,
Just finished read your book about the journey around peninsular M'sia! Never regret buying the book!
get to the comment: Wow! I know the journey have ended months ago but i
still want to congratulate you for the great journey and im amazed
with your (and Mak's) spirit!
Once again, congratulation for the success and thank you for the tips in the book!!
Yves Lemat, Miri, Sarawak.
Hi Sandra,
I happened to be in MPH and came across your book on 4th May. Started
reading it on 6th May and I couldn't put it down till I finished just
now at lunch. I felt like what you did after your journey, opps! no more
'updates' to look forward to. Once, in my early 20s I wanted to
backpack around Malaysia in between jobs as I always felt there are
places I must explore within my own country before looking outwards. But
my boss refused to let me leave early and I lost the chance with the
arrival of kids.
Now, reading the book made me feel like doing it but at my age now, by car would be fine, don't think I can survive what both you and Mak did. Am quite wimpy! I told my husband we can use your book to have an idea where we want to go! Nicely written, good job. Regards to Mak as well for making the adventure very interesting.
Lily, Malaysia
Now, reading the book made me feel like doing it but at my age now, by car would be fine, don't think I can survive what both you and Mak did. Am quite wimpy! I told my husband we can use your book to have an idea where we want to go! Nicely written, good job. Regards to Mak as well for making the adventure very interesting.
Lily, Malaysia
Hi Sandra
I've bought your book from MPH yesterday, it seems really fun and interesting.
I love cycling and dreamed to do bicycle touring for a long time but most of my friends think that is impossible and crazy. Anyway, your book really gave me much of encouragement. I'm so enjoyed while reading it.
Many thanks and all the best to you.
Rachel, Malaysia
Hi Sandra,
I just finished reading your 'pedalling around the peninsula'. Congrats! You are so inspiring! Wish I could also pedal like what you and Mak did.
Nasim, KL
Hi Sandra,
I enjoyed reading your book,is so fresh to see a Malaysian doing this. Can't wait to see your next challenge touring in Sabah and Sarawak, hopefully I will be back in Tawau and try to bump into you on the road :)
All the best!
Sipek Quek, Malaysia
"Marvelous book. Affordable in price but rich in contents. Give us thousand words about Malaysia and really, we proud to be Malaysian! Kudos to author & MPH Publishing"
Mohd Shahadan Bin Mokhtar, Malaysia
Love your book very much. Hope one day can travel whole Malaysia like you and Mak.
Steven, Malaysia
I realised it is my dream since I was young to cycle round this
country. Almost forgotten after busy with work, family & life.
Thanks to Sandra Loh for her book cycling around the peninsula. It
really woke me up. I have a dream to achieve"
Tan Lang Seng, Malacca (....and he sure did achieve his dream end 2012!)